Sunday, September 25, 2011

Free People Read Freely

"Censorship is telling a man he can't have a steak just because a baby can't chew it."
-- Mark Twain

There is freedom in reading. You can escape your own reality by imagining people and places grander than the biggest blockbuster movie, or find similarities with people and places you see every day. You can gain new understanding of a familiar subject, or discover a new passion. You can experience comfort, joy, hope, love, laughter, courage, sadness, remorse, fear, heartache, irritation, anger, disgust, anticipation, thrills, chills, and relief all in one little book. Pretty amazing, no?


Sadly, there are people in this world who want to threaten your freedom to read whatever you want, whenever you want, wherever you want. These people challenge and ban books for all kinds of crazy reasons, and this can be a surprisingly easy process. But, censoring one's RIGHT to read is WRONG!


You can stand up for your RIGHT to read, your RIGHT to knowledge, your RIGHT to information! Help celebrate BANNED BOOKS WEEK this week (September 24th - October 1st) by reading a banned or challenged book, by spreading awareness about Banned Books Week on your blog/Facebook/Twitter, or by simply telling your local librarians and/or school officials that you appreciate their efforts to keep books ON our shelves.


For more information about Banned Books Week visit: the American Library Association,, OR your local library.

I will be spending this week reading anything and everything I can. I will read because I can. I will read until they pry the books from my cold, dead hands (and they probably will). Please say you'll join me!

"The books that the world calls immoral are books that show the world its own shame."
-- Oscar Wilde

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