Friday, September 23, 2011

All I Do is Win, Win, Win No Matter What


In the past you've seen me blog about winning some excellent books through Goodreads. Well, it turns out that I'm some kind of lightning rod for giveaways because I WON AGAIN! That's right, more free books for moi!

A few weeks ago, I received word that I had won a copy of Emergency in Slow Motion: The Inner Life of Diane Arbus by William Todd Schulz. I was beyond giddy! I was really in the mood for something arty with an edge and this was perfecto! So, when my package from Bloomsbury arrived a few days ago, I ripped it open with gusto!

I love Diane Arbus's work. The pictures are absolutely haunting and stunning. I find myself staring at her subjects for what seems like hours, completely transported to the worlds in the photos.






I cannot wait to dive into this little gem in the next day or two! I have a feeling it will be one that I can't help but devour in one sitting. And the weather is supposed to be perfectly crappy this weekend, so that will work out nicely.

But wait! That's not all!! Imagine my surprise when I woke up this morning, all set to write up this blog post about winning a book giveaway, only to discover I won ANOTHER book giveaway!!! That's right! Apparently, I've done something to please the book gods.

Yours truly has won a copy of...
Falling for Me: How I Learned French, Travelled to Seville, and Fell in Love by Anna David.

Okay, so it sounds a little Eat, Pray, Love-ish (which is one book that never sounded remotely interesting to me), but I'll give it a shot. After all, FREE BOOK!

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